Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wash Your Face

After I wrote about the hair products I am using my girlfriend suggested I write about the face products I use.  She recently started using the same products and was digging on them.  Full disclosure: I do not have perfect skin. I still get the occasional break out and have some skin discoloration after my two babies, that seems to want to stick around forever.  Such is life, accept it and move on.  And you keep pretending like you don't notice it. Deal?

Back to the products I use.  I was introduced to the Paula Begoun brand about 10 years ago.  Before she put out her own products, she was a sorta watch dog on the cosmetic industry.  She wrote a few books. In her books and website she would review products and tell you what ingredients were worthless or even potentially bad for your skin.  What was worth your money and what was not. She helped you wade through the pretty packaging and big promises that are prevalent in the industry and which we all fall victim to.  After awhile she decided to put out her own line of very simple items without the gimmick factor.  I tried it and was hooked.  I now use her Earth Sourced line which is 99% natural and does not contain parabens.  It's wonderful.  Like, I said my skin may not be perfect but it is infinitely better than it was prior to using these products.  And also, because of the information she puts out, I am much more informed about what is in products and how much of it is bullshit and therefore I'm less likely to fall for the pretty pick up lines of the cosmetic industry.  Yeah, I'm bad ass.

* In addition to the Earth Sourced, I use the 2% BHA Liquid, RESIST BH9, Extra Strength Acne Treatment and the Antioxidant Serum.  And prior to using the Earth Sourced line I used the Skin Balancing Cleanser and toner.  

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