Monday, July 15, 2013

Lucky days...

Oh, hello there!  Sorry it's been awhile.

I could give you a bunch of reasons why it's been awhile but let's be real.  I've been lazy.  And kinda loving it.  It's summer time and I am (mostly) embracing the laziness.  But I've missed you terribly.  Really I have.  So I am back.  I think.  Let's move on.

So what have I been up to while gone?  Well, we went on a little family road trip and it was perfection. Really, it was one for the books people.  California, I love you.  And my family too.  I mean, hot damn, I am lucky.

Also, I had a birthday.  Holla!  Officially, a 35 year old grown ass woman.  For reals!  I had a pretty low key birthday which is exactly the way I wanted it.  I got to stretch it out over a whole week of goodness and I just felt really lucky for all these 35 years.

And then there was the 4th of July which was another nice little day of California fun in the sun with some lovely friends and family.  Oh, and some In-n-Out to boot.  I mean, come on, what's better than that?

So, yeah, I'm kinda just blissed out on all this lazy California summer time goodness.  How bout you?  Are you enjoying yourselves?

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