Friday, March 29, 2013

Wish List

A few things I'm pining for on this early Spring day...

From Top:

Sprout Home Hanging Plant Pod for our bedroom.  This has been on my wish list since we first moved in.  2 years ago. Time to click purchase already!

Madewell Whistlestop Sandals.  Because Spring time is sandal time.

Steve Martin Comedy Album, Let's Get Small .  I've been thinking about purchasing some comedy albums to listen to on our longer drives.  They need to be somewhat kid friendly (for when they are not snoozing), so unfortunately, Lenny Bruce is out.  And Woody Allen albums aren't available on mp3, apparently. Bummer.

Etsy Magnetic Spice Rack.  Another item that has been on my wish list for ever.  I really need to get one because my current spice storage situation is not working for me.  

Gwyneth Paltrow's latest cookbook, It's All Good.  Because I love Gwyneth and I love her last cookbook even more.  This one has already been pre-ordered and I can't wait to find it on my doorstep.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Most nights, after the kiddos are in bed, Tad and I watch T.V. together for about an hour or so before I nod off. I'll admit it's one of my favorite parts of the day.  Here are a few things we are enjoying on our Tivo right now...

I wasn't that interested in the show based on the commercials but so far it's been really interesting.  And Elizabeth Moss is pretty great.

I know this show just ended but we are still playing catch up.  I probably shouldn't even get started on this show because I could go on for days.  I friggin' love it.  All of it.  Every minute of it.  Cocaine episode that everyone thought was annoying?  Hilarious.  Patrick Wilson episode?  LOVED it.  What can I say?  Lena Dunham speaks my language and she is all sorts of rad.

Another show that just ended.  The Girls/Enlightened hour is my must see T.V.  I really like this show a whole heck of a lot.  It's another love it or hate it show.  My brother couldn't hang for the first season because he said Amy was giving him anxiety.  I get that.  I think it is a really smart and original show.  I also think that Mike White (who writes every single episode and directs some of them too) is incredibly talented.  More please.

What are you watching right now?

Monday, March 25, 2013


Today we are dealing with a post-birthday weekend hangover.  There was Disneyland and presents and pizza and churros and cake and tacos and candy and popcorn and movies and homemade nutella (!) (courtesy of my future sister-in-law) and family dinner and cake and cake and then...more cake.  And yes, my husband and I even bickered over who got the last piece of cake.  Shame.  This morning, my family asked me when I was going to make that cake again.  So, yes, it was a successful cake and a successful birthday celebration.  And I'm glad it's over.  I highly recommend the cake recipe.  Have I talked about this cake enough yet?

Today, I'm thinking of how to recover from all this celebrating.  So I'm sharing two of the recipes I plan on making this week to sort of make it up to our bodies for all the blissful abuse we put it them through this weekend. Before we do it all over again this weekend with Easter candy... and possibly more cake.  Hope you had a great weekend too and here's to a happy and healthy week.

 Recipe Numero Uno:  Martha Stewart's Tilapia and Quinoa with Feta and Cucumber

Recipe Numero Dos: Gwyneth Paltrow's White Bean Soup with Kale

Recipe Numero Uno and image via: Martha Stewart Everyday Food, April 2010. Photo and Recipe via

Recipe Numero Dos and image via: My Father's Daughter: Easy Recipes Celebrating Family and Togetherness. Photo by Ellen Silverman.

p.s. If you don't already, I recommend signing up for the Everyday Food recipe newsletter.  It's free and there are some great, easy, everyday recipes.  And the Gwyneth Paltrow cookbook is my favorite cookbook and I highly recommend.  This won't be the last time you hear about it from me.  Promise.

Friday, March 22, 2013

5 Years Ago Today...



Five years ago today...the best thing ever happened.  Happy Birthday to our sweet Anita Bird.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rory is Getting Married!

I'm not gonna lie.  When I first read this (which was forwarded to me by two people who know me very well), I was sad that Rory and Jess didn't end up together in the end.

I think a Gilmore Girls Season 3 marathon is called for.  Stat.

Pink Overload

This week our little bird turns 5 years old and we are busy planning ways to make it awesome.  This here, is the cake we will be baking.  It fits right in with the pink theme we are going with.

I 'm still trying to keep things simple in terms of birthdays.  Doing something special with just our little foursome and then some quality time with close family and friends.  I feel like there is a small window of time where we get the kids all to ourselves before their lives expand and friends and activities takeover.  I want to enjoy this time as long as possible. So this year, it's a trip to Disneyland with our foursome, a little celebration in her pre-school class and then a family day full of pink just for her.

The girl loves all things pink and so pink is what she is gonna get.  Right down to a pink streak in her hair.  Pink nails, new pink dress and tights, pink hair.  Pink decorations.  Pink cake.  Pink overload. When Anita sees a teenager with neon colored hair (pink, purple), she is completely smitten.  She gets a dreamy look in her eye and tells me that is what she is going to look like when she is 15.  So this week she is 5...going on 15.

On another note, the recipe is from Brown Eyed Baker.  I am sure this won't be the last time I mention her on this blog.  I have made several of her recipes and we have loved every single one.  The girl can do no wrong.

p.s. Yes, I know this is technically a Red Velvet Cake and not a Pink Velvet Cake.  But it's her favorite and a little less food coloring should keep it within the realm of pinkness.

Images via Brown Eyed Baker

Monday, March 18, 2013

Brain Pickings, Food For Your Brain

Are you familiar with the Brain Pickings website?

In their words, "Brain Pickings is a free but, some have said, priceless weekly interestingness digest. It comes out on Sundays and offers the week’s best articles across art, science, design, history, and the usual miscellanea, alongside short highlights from other notable reads."

I receive the newsletter and look forward to reading it each week. With topics such as "How to Read Poetry", "John Steinbeck on Falling in Love", "Joan Didion on Keeping a Notebook","5 1/2 Favorite Food Books","On Pure Design and What Beauty Really Means", I feel like I am receiving a crash course in creativity, critical thought, new and old ideas, life and just all around "interestingness" each time I read it. And who doesn't need more of that in their lives? Check it out.

 Image via

Friday, March 15, 2013

Wish List

A few things I am currently crushing on...

From top:

Araks for JCrewYanelis Bikini Top and Bottom  Raddest Bikini Ever

JCrew Vintage Cotton Tank  I actually already own this in navy, but it's so good I need it now in every color.  Yes, I said need.

Madewell Striped Skargorn #45 Shrunken Tee because my love of stripes knows no bounds.

Emerson Fry Hawaii Dress Red this will be mine soon, oh yes it will.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Makers: Women Who Make America

Did any of you happen to catch Makers: Women Who Make America on PBS?  We Tivo'd it and are about half way through.  So far, I am really enjoying it and recommend you look it up.  It features so many fascinating women and their stories.  I like that it features a wide range of women, those who were involved in the women's movement and those that were not and felt marginalized by the movement.  And also some of the turmoil and missteps of the movement (for example the initial exclusion of lesbians).  It starts off with the story of Katherine Switzer, who was the first female to run the Boston Marathon.  She was actually physically attacked by the marathon's organizer for running the race.  I had never heard her story before.  Interesting stuff.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Refinery 29 Magic

Today, Refinery 29 gave us a list of Makeup Magic Miracles.  Although I do wear make up (for my sake and yours) I don't really consider myself a makeup person.  I am a sucker for lists however and in case you are too, I thought I would share.  Although I am happy with my Mac mascara which I have been using for years upon years, I am intrigued by the L'Oreal mascara on the list.  I've also been hearing about the new Benefit mascara that is supposed to blow your mind...or rather your lashes.  Thoughts?

Or if makeup magic isn't up your alley, you can skip it and go straight to the teeny Tina Fey interview they also featured.  You can never do wrong with a little more Tina.

(Image via Refinery 29)

Hello Beautiful!

Hello there beautiful.  Lovely to meet you.  Both the new blog and you.  I'm excited for this adventure.  And I can tell we are going to be friends.  So let's do this.  Let's be friends...